Friday, March 08, 2019

"A political party that could not simply condemn anti-Semitism"

Dov Fischer writes in Spectator,
f I were in Congress, I would have voted on Thursday against the Democrats’ so-called “Anti-Hate” resolution. That resolution insulted American Jews and all other decent Americans. It also marked the date that will live in infamy — March 7, 2019 — when the formal political realignment of Jews away from the Democrat Party begins its second wave.

The realignment will take some time. It took the Deep South more than a century, from 1860 into the 1970s, to stop bullet-voting Democrats. Ethnic Catholic blue-collar Americans, many of whom arrived here between the 1830s and 1860s from their European lands of birth, did not shift voting patterns to the Republicans until the 1980 Reagan election, subsequently reinforced in 2016 when Donald Trump better spoke to their world views and social values than did the intersectionalist message of the Democrats’ Hillary Clinton candidacy. West Virginia has seen a total transformation as well. And now the Jews, 90% of whom arrived here fifty years later, between 1881 and 1914, are moving into the second phase of their historic realignment away from the Democrat Party that once welcomed them at Ellis Island. The first phase has seen the complete realignment by Orthodox Jews, who now are overwhelmingly Republican.

...Like a divorce after a long multi-decades marriage, it takes a traumatic moment, sometimes many, to break it up with finality. An adulterous affair. A physical beating. And sometimes even the adultery and the spousal battering will not end the marriage. But there are divorces. There are times when someone says, “Blessed is the G-d who redeems and saves. I am the hell out of here!” And that moment hit the Deep South when George McGovern ran against Richard Nixon. It hit blue collar European-ethnic Catholics when Ronald Reagan ran against Jimmy Carter, then Walter Mondale. And now it has hit the Jews of America.

...While the long-lost and assimilated Jews like George Soros, whom we despise, and Bernie Sanders dance with the dictators and marvel over the wonders of socialist bread lines, we the Orthodox already are placing our orders for special “shmurah matzos” seven weeks before Passover. And it is this bellwether community that realigned two decades ago and more to the Republicans. More than 90 percent of Orthodox Jews voted for Mitt Romney against Obama. Donald Trump’s strongest voting bloc in 2016 was Orthodox Jews, and he will get even more support in 2020. The Pew survey has found that Orthodox Jews will comprise a majority of all New York Jews within two generations.

...American non-Orthodox Jews now are living through a trauma. The Democrats into whom they invested everything have turned on them by walking away from them. Sorry, honey, but Jews are not part of Intersectionality. And it will get worse, much worse, in the years ahead. The new era of Democrats now are holding Israel to standards that are not even expected of Iran. They would boycott and sanction Israel but not boycott or sanction Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Putin’s Russia, China, or Venezuela. They still will take Jews’ money, and this last generation of die-hard Jewish Democrats like George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and what is left of them in Hollywood and Broadway, from which they likewise are starting to get pushed out, will keep donating to the grave. But a new generation rises. They see. And they understand. And the realignment begins.

One day the Democrats walked away from the world that had attracted Ronald Reagan. And so he left. They abandoned European ethnic Catholics, and so they have left. They have all-but-criminalized the status of “White male,” and they have left. American Jews now are packing their bags, and the Orthodox Jews who left for the Republican camp long ago are restraining ourselves from saying “Toljaso! Toljaso!” Instead, like the Jews of the United Kingdom who now vote 70 percent conservative and the Jews of Israel, who have voted dominantly for conservative governments for the past forty years, these Jews are being welcomed into the Republican party. And as for those Soros-types who will not budge but instead will die with a Democrat donkey engraved on their tombstones, just as former New Yorkers cling to the Yankees and Mets, and as former Chicagoans cling to the Cubbies to their very last breath, they may go to the grave satisfied in knowing that they gave their lives to a political party that could not simply condemn anti-Semitism.
Read more here.

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