Thursday, March 07, 2019

A change in the law would solve 63% of our border problem!

In cnsnews, Susan Jones reports that
On Wednesday, CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan told the Senate Judiciary Committee that changes in the law -- particularly the rules requiring the quick release of illegal aliens into the interior of the country -- would make a big difference.

"There are solutions to this crisis," McAleenan said.

...Committee Chairman Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) asked McAleenan, "If you had a choice of...changing the laws and money for barriers or anything else, what would be your top priority?"

"I believe we need both, Mr. Chairman," McAleenan said. "But the immediate impact -- 63 percent of our traffic at the border would be addressed by a change in the laws."

Graham repeated: "Change in law affects 63 percent of the problem."

McAleenan said unaccompanied minors from Central America who make it to the United States have a "less than two percent" chance of ever being returned to their home countries. "It's very rare," he said, and that's because of a legal agreement known as the Flores settlement.

Under that ruling, both unaccompanied children and children coming north with a relative must be released into the interior of the United States within 20 days of being detained.

McAleenan said smugglers are "actively advertising" that if they bring a child to the United States, that child will be released.
Read more here.

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