Sunday, February 17, 2019

What is manhood?

In his opening remarks, Andrew seems to be having a good time explaining the events surrounding the budget resolution funding the building of a wall on our southern border.

Fiction is meant to tell the truth about the world. Fantasy tells the truth about the person who is having the fantasy! Fantasies in the media tell of the all-consuming evil of Donald Trump, the realism of the Green New Deal. The problem of dealing in fantasy: reality will just keep on unfolding without us! When you buy into fantasies, you lose your own life.

Have you heard of PostTrumpSexDisorder? Good, that means you don't read! Andrew reads from an article there. But there is also the opposite fantasy, in which men and women who are attracted to bad boys are turned on by Trump!

Andrew talks about Andrew McCabe's bombshell to be revealed tonight on 60 Minutes. Andrew thinks cops should have arrested McCabe immediately after his confession to violating every principle of American governance! These FBI guys are so surrounded by people appointed by Obama, everyone believing in the same fantasies! They truly believe they are the good guys and the Trump team are the bad guys. They convinced themselves that a coup would be a valid thing for them to participate in! Rosenstein says McCabe is lying. Yeah, somebody is lying. Is it McCabe or Rosenstein? Or both!

What is the scandal? Russian collusion, or this coup? The scandal, overlooked all these months by the media, is this coup! CBS inadvertantly reveals it in order to get viewers for tonight's show! It is a disgrace that the media has spent all this time trying to prove a Trump-Russian collusion, when the biggest scandal in American history is the story of how Obama turned our national government and media into a Democrat machine!

Dr. Warren Farrell is Andrew's guest. He is co-author of a book entitled, The Boy Crisis: Why our Boys are Struggling. I first heard of Dr. Farrell in the 1970s when he was on the board of the National Organization for Women (NOW). At that time, he self-identified as a feminist. No longer! Why? Because feminists have framed the world as men are oppressors and women are the oppressed. The boy crisis resides where dads do not reside! Suicides: dad-deprived boys. Shooters: dad-deprived boys. Opiate endemic: dad-deprived boys! Is it "male privilege" to sacrifice your life in war so somebody else will live?

Andrew summarizes: "Manhood is being yourself, having integrity!"

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