Today’s reality is that the United States is the most accepting diverse society on earth and has been for decades.Read more here.
...I have not met a conservative in more than twenty years who cares a whit about someone’s color. That simply is not part of the conservative mindset. We measure people by their trustworthiness, resourcefulness, good cheer, skills and intelligence, and readiness to contribute to team success. Nothing else matters.
...It is a blatant lie that racism and anti-Semitism are on a dramatic rise. The Big Lie is stirred by a cynical Democrat Left that has found pay-dirt, solid gold, in dividing voters into neat pockets of identity-politics constituencies. Obama showed that he could beat a Republican opponent if he somehow could run a close race among all but one constituency, and then carry more than 90 percent of the African American vote and a big part of the Hispanic vote. Hillary tried to replicate the divide-and-conquer strategy, so — like Obama — she tried setting Blacks against Whites, Gays against Straights, Women against Men, Muslims against Christians and Jews, Latinos and other Hispanics against Caucasians. That was her “Basketful of Deplorables” trope. It worked for Obama because he actually has one Black parent, though was reared by his White mother, White grandmother, and spent all his formative life outside any classically “Black American environment,” as he grew up in Hawaii, then Indonesia, later attended Occidental College, then Columbia, then Harvard. By contrast, it did not work for Hillary because a majority of Americans simply do not like her, never particularly liked her, never will, do not trust her, and did not want more drama emerging from the #MeToo lug she would be bringing back to D.C. with her.
...The rise of cable television and of social media were the latest advances that were supposed to make our lives even better. In one era, it was the light bulb. In another, the car. Then came radio, TV, and air conditioning. And now we could watch a zillion shows and news all day and night, and we could find friends from years ago and drop them notes, and forward them emailed jokes, and FB or tweet that we were bored at work and eating spaghetti, so wassup? But those two newest advances set us back gravely. Social media meant that anyone with a keyboard and a chair in Mom’s basement secretly could ignite lies that can spread like a California wildfire. And 24/7 cable news meant that media now could make enormous amounts of money by identifying carved-out niche audiences and appealing to those targeted segments with sensationalism. The masses crave sensationalism: it is the sensationalist newspapers that are sold at the supermarket and drugstore checkout counter, not Applied Mechanics and Philosophy Today. So MSNBC identified their niche, and as Fox News took the conservative viewership, CNN abandoned any pretense of being centrist and instead moved all-out to the left. To keep viewers watching, they aimed for ever more sensationalist and overheated presentations: Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, Bourdain until he killed himself, and ever-more-extreme panels of bitter and divisive race-mongers like Van Jones and Don Lemon encouraged to say hateful things that make for great re-tweeting though they bear no relation to reality while inciting civil distrust and animus.
...It is against that backdrop that the Left media’s fixation on Hate Hoaxes now is both their obsession and our societal blight. We are a good people. We do not lynch Blacks or others. Rather, we had Loretta Lynch. Outside of New York, we smile at people we do not know as we walk down the street. When we cross a street, we wave to the driver who waits to make a right turn. We make friendly small talk at the grocery cash register, even a guy with a yarmulke when paying a woman with a hijab. We are a good people. And we deserve better than the despicable Big Lie that this country is riven on racial, gender, religious, or ethnic lines. It is a lie that Left Democrats propel for electoral gain, as Hitler lied about the Jews, the Romanis, and the Freemasons to secure power. As the Tsar lied about the Jews to maintain power. And the Democrats lie about the American People, the Basketful of Deplorables, whom they can pigeon-hole outside their favored Intersectionalists in order to return to power — no matter the cost to the society’s well-being. This Lie is what defines Enemies of the People.
...They lie. One racism or genderism hoax after another. The Oberlin College racism hoax perpetrated by campus Democrats. The racism hoax at the University of Buffalo where a Black student hung a “Whites Only” sign. The Grand Valley University racism hoax. The Montclair State University racism hoax. The University of Chicago racism hoax. The Albany racism hoax. The Princeton University racism hoax. The Vassar College racism hoax. There was no rape at the Duke University lacrosse team’s party. There was no rape at the University of Virginia. Al Sharpton’s Tawana Brawley was not thrown into a garbage dumpster, nor smeared with feces, nor even attacked. Lena Dunham lied about being raped. Blasey Ford lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Julie Swetnick lied about Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh. Avenatti facilitated Swetnick. It may be that a woman later lied about Avenatti. The Mattress Girl at Barnard College gained her fifteen minutes and Kirsten Gillibrand’s admiration by promoting a myth that police investigators exposed and for which Columbia University had to pay big time when it settled the falsely accused’s lawsuit. The Mediacracy lied about Nick Sandmann and the boys of CovCath, who behaved beautifully in the face of provocation by a proven liar who marched right up to them and menacingly beat a drum in their faces. Hoaxes one and all — and so many, many more — including racist lies and gender-driven lies aimed at driving up ratings, clicks, revenues, and Democrat votes.
And as for Jussie Smollett: I had heard of Empire, but I never had seen a minute of it. Most Trump MAGA conservatives, by and large, have no particular interest in a television program centering on the hip-hop music industry, even though appreciating Kanye West’s support for the President. Note that Trump rallies begin with Lee Greenwood’s “I’m Proud to Be an American,” and they end with the Rolling Stones’ “You Can’t Always Get What You Want.” The premise from Day One that a Trump MAGA crew would go after a Jussie Smollett — someone whose name means nothing to Trump supporters, whose show means almost nothing, and frankly whose very life is irrelevant — was preposterous. In a world where conservatives express our views about Nancy Pelosi, Alec Baldwin, Robert De Niro, the Hyphen and her Green New Deal, and Jim Comey and Andrew McCabe, the notion that Trump supporters would bring a rope to lynch this irrelevant character on a show outside our horizon was beyond absurd. But it provided one more racist hoax to divide the American people, to give Democrats vying for the Presidency something to tweet about frantically, something to re-Tweet and to draw some viewers to search curiously for the channel where CNN can be found if it still is on air.
The racist hoax was unfair and a crime against the most accepting diverse society on earth.
This blog is looking for wisdom, to have and to share. It is also looking for other rare character traits like good humor, courage, and honor. It is not an easy road, because all of us fall short. But God is love, forgiveness and grace. Those who believe in Him and repent of their sins have the promise of His Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the Way.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
They lie!
Dov Fischer writes in Spectator,
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