Sunday, February 24, 2019

Living in your imagination!

"What sort of monstrous authoritarian would attack the hard work of fine, upstanding rogue Deep State fascists spending millions of dollars of the public's money on a complete waste of time?"

Breaking news: The world does not exist inside your head! There really is such a thing as reality!

Why did the FBI and DOJ people panic at the sight of President Trump coming down the road? Because he was not one of them!

McCabe: "You have to understand; it was an unbelievably stressful time!" What was so stressful? A President was elected the Obama administration didn't like. Trump fired James Comey, as was his right. McCabe (Russian hoax), Smollett (hate crime hoax), were living in their imaginations. Stressful? Yes, when you are living in your imagination. Clapper: imagination run wild. They want to defend their imaginations from the world. We are not enemies, but friends!

Andrew's guest was Spencer Brown from Young Americans Foundation (YAF). He talked about "Victim Olympics" on our college campuses. Classes that teach you that you are a victim, and therefore more important. Leftist indoctrination. Students are not taught about taking individual responsibility, making good choices. They are taught that they need eco queer feminist art! The only job these students will be able to have would be teaching these Leftist ideas to a new generation of students.

Andrew closes by going back to his thoughts about how the Left tries to shape your thoughts so you feel obligated to align your thinking with their imagination.

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