Saturday, February 23, 2019

"It’s up to President Trump to make sure that people like Mnuchin do not hijack what I think is otherwise a very good agenda.”

In a radio interview, Gordon Chang told Breitbart News,
“At this time, I think most Chinese people don’t buy into communism,” assessed Chang. “They are sullen. They are coarse. I mean, they do fear the party, and you can understand why. Essentially, the Communist Party has lost hearts and minds, and that’s why it’s gone to the social credit system and other things in order to obtain obedience.”

Breitbart asked,
“Do you think our government is doing enough to protect us from [Chinese] spyware, malware, and kill switches on our technology? Are we doing enough to really make sure that the technological future is separated from China, and we’re not dependent on them?”

Chang replied, “The answer to that is no, but the Trump administration, I think, is starting to see the consequences of China’s domination of things like 5G, the internet of things, technology, trade.

...He’s got, for instance, a treasury secretary, Steve Mnuchin. I think our republic is unsafe when Mnuchin is in the room with Chinese officials. It’s up to President Trump to make sure that people like Mnuchin do not hijack what I think is otherwise a very good agenda.”

...In a Wednesday-published interview with Breitbart News, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said China’s international push for global hegemony is the biggest threat America ever faced, echoing Chang’s description of the Chinese threat as existential.

Breitbart News reported, “Rubio also says that Trump should trust U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer over other advisers pushing for any kind of quick-fix deal, because he says Lighthizer understands the deeper implications at play here.”
Read more here.

It does not appear that the Breitbart interviewers picked up on this criticism of Mnuchin. Why does Chang say that about Mnuchin?

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