Monday, February 25, 2019

"Are these questions designed to help men in therapy, or to present men as oppressors?"

Terry Brennan writes in PJ Media,
While there is gender parity among psychologists 55 and older, practitioners 35 and younger are 84% female.

...In addition to the significant gender gap, since the early ‘90s psychology has become further skewed to the Left. Dr. Haidt studied this phenomenon, finding the zeitgeist of the ‘60s and ‘70s generated an influx of individuals who came to pursue social justice. This created a climate which was both hostile to conservatives and allowed selection bias. Indeed, a 2012 study found only 6% of social psychologists identified as conservatives -- and 37.5% of respondents declared their willingness to discriminate against hiring conservatives.

Division 51 of the American Psychological Association, is the Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinities.

In addition to the significant gender gap, since the early ‘90s psychology has become further skewed to the Left. Dr. Haidt studied this phenomenon, finding the zeitgeist of the ‘60s and ‘70s generated an influx of individuals who came to pursue social justice. This created a climate which was both hostile to conservatives and allowed selection bias. Indeed, a 2012 study found only 6% of social psychologists identified as conservatives -- and 37.5% of respondents declared their willingness to discriminate against hiring conservatives.

...Are these questions designed to help men in therapy, or to present men as oppressors?

Dr. Ryon McDermott, who helped draft the guidelines, explained their motivation by stating: “If we can change men, we can change the world.” Why should the APA be allowed to pursue Male Conversion Therapy? Indeed, Dr. Leonard Sax stated:

Stetson University psychologist Chris Ferguson notes that the guidelines’ emphasis on trying to get traditionally masculine men to become something other than what they are is reminiscent of the "conversion" therapies of decades past, which sought to convert homosexual men into heterosexual men.
For psychologists to use their position of power to pursue a progressive agenda with their patients is ethically repugnant. Therapists doing so should face a complaint against their license.
Read more here.

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