Wednesday, February 27, 2019

"A political stunt written by Clinton hacks"

I started listening at about the 8-minute mark. Greg Gutfeld stands up to Juan Williams, after Williams charges Greg and Jesse with being "so far into the bunker (as Trump supporters)." Greg objects to the bunker analogy, saying he believes it was a reference to Hitler.

Does Fox News not know its audience? I quit watching The Five because I cannot stand Juan Williams' rude interruptions and allegations. I do watch clips like this one when it is obviously making news (Drudge linked to it). Greg responds immediately to Juan's bunker charge, saying, "If you say that again, I'm gonna throw you off the set." Juan then held his heart, mocking Greg as though he was terrified Greg would actually get physical. Fox News should fire Juan. Enough!

Then I went back to the beginning of the show and realized that Juan had used the bunker analogy right at the beginning. Greg loudly told him to shut up! Greg's analogy for Creepy Cohen's testimony was to say that Cohen realizes he has been a dirtbag and that the way to get himself out of the dirtbag is to turn himself into a gratification machine for the media. His "rehab" is to match the media's assumptions.

A panelist named Morgan (I do not know her last name) compared Cohen unfavorably to both John Dean and Chuck Colson. No personal remorse, just feeding into the media's assumptions. She thought today's hearing was "a political stunt written by Clinton hacks."

More from the brilliant Greg Gutfeld. "The hearings were scheduled for today to undermine the summit in Vietnam. The media is rooting for Trump to fail. It might backfire by placing these two stories side by side (split screen). What is meant to undermine "that damn Trump" actually undermines them. The media is comparing a dramatic diplomatic effort that might end a 70-year war with a partisan tantrum. Slimeball theater, which is protein powder for the consensus media. It's like comparing a cure for a disease with an old Jackass re-run. Something historical with something hysterical. Never has something so big been compared with something so small."

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