Sunday, January 13, 2019

Let’s Hear It For The Boy!

Guest post by Suzann Darnall

Maybe I am just a hopeless, out-of-touch, old-fashioned woman, but I like men. Men who are masculine. Men who enjoy sports. Men who like guns. Men who collect tools. Men who make me feel protected and cherished. Men who treat me like I am a treasure. Men who are like my grandfathers, my father, and my husband.

As a woman who likes men, I am saddened by the current attacks on men and boys. Men are being attacked on all fronts. Boys are being treated like they are defective. Such boys will never learn that they are truly special. Boys who do not fit the beta-mold of political correctness are being punished for being what used to be considered healthy, active, and normal.

Feminism, de-masculation, childhood-drag-queens, and other such attendant "movements" are about destroying men and boys as we know them. It is as if the Progressives want to eliminate the human race by making it impossible for procreation. Divide the sexes and there can be no more babies. Oh, and, if some babies happen to come about, Planned Parenthood will just offer abortions and get those taken care of right away.

This ultimately becomes attacks on families. Family is the basis for God's plan of happiness and the building block to a functioning society. Healthy families make good communities. Good communities make strong nations. And, Satan does not want strong nations. He wants humanity in disarray and vulnerable. Hence his use of minions to push for globalism to destroy nations and his use of the war on gender, particularly against males, to destroy families.

Well, I hope and pray we can curb this all-out-assault on our boys and men. We must cherish and support the men in our families and communities. Especially those considered dangerous by the Progressives. You know, those with the “toxic masculinity”. The guys who don’t dress like girls or wannabe girls. The boys who are athletes and mow lawns. The men who work as military or first responders.

I am not saying there is anything wrong with the boys and men who make alternate lifestyle choices. I am just saying the other guys deserve the same tolerance. Let’s hear it for the men and boys that are masculine. The guys that make us think of John Wayne and football, while we dream of prom nights and weddings.

“What are little boys made of? Snips and snails And puppy-dogs' tails That's what little boys are made of.”
There is nothing wrong with little boys getting dirty and playing outside. Building forts and fighting imaginary foes. These boys become the farmers and soldiers and architects that move our society forward. So, let’s hear it for the boys who will be boys!!! Let’s celebrate the men they become. Let’s decriminalize being male and masculine. Let’s be tolerant.

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