Thursday, January 10, 2019

"It is never easy to recognize truth, but when we see it, we must speak it!

Pompeo in Egypt: "Our leaders gravely misread our history and your historical moment! (Referring to Obama). In falsely seeing ourselves as a source for what ails the Middle East, we were timid in asserting ourselves when the times and our partners demanded it. We grossly underestimated the tenacity and viciousness of radical Islamism, a debauched strain of the faith that seeks to upend every other form of worship or governance....

What did we learn? We learned that when America retreats, chaos often follows. ...Now, comes the real "New Beginning." ...Our words mean something again. America has always been and always will be a liberating force, not an occupying power.

President Trump has reversed our willful blindness to the Iranian regime. ...America will not retreat until the terror fight is over. ...We ask every peace-loving nation to shoulder responsibilities for defeating Islamic extremism wherever we find it. We will not stop our campaign to stop Iran's malevalent actions.

It is never easy to recognize truth, but when we see it, we must speak it!

May the Lord bless each and every one of you!"

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