Tuesday, January 29, 2019

It is about trust

Recently, Hugh Hewitt was named by some bloggers as being one of the people who jumped on the Covington kids unfairly, before a second video appeared, showing the aggressiveness of the Black Hebrew Israelites and the obnoxious in-your-face drumming of Nathan Phillips. I went to Hugh's blog to see what he had said, but could find nothing. Did he delete his comments? If so, that would be very disappointing to me.

Later, I visited our local library and saw his book, BLOG, in the books-for-sale section. and bought it. He wrote it in 2005. He reminds us that blogging is all about earning trust. That is what the Swift Boaters did in destroying John Kerry's candidacy and other bloggers did in destroying Dan Rather's career.

From page XXI of his introduction: ..."The blogosphere is about trust. CNN lost the trust it once had and its fall has been sudden and shattering. FOX News is trusted by millions, so its numbers have shot up, much to the dismay of lefties..."

I know Hugh was on the CNN team during the presidential debates and he regularly appears on the far, far left MSNBC. I guess he has earned their trust.

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