Sunday, December 16, 2018

The plan

Sundance notices something unusual about Cohen being sentenced but then walking out of the courthouse a free man, not having to report to prison until March 6, 2019. Why?
It was curious to see Michael Cohen walk out of his sentencing hearing last week without having to report to jail/prison for the punishment therein. Generally speaking when the final adjudication is presented the accused begins to serve his/her punishment. However, not in this case; and not with the construct of this pleading, this quid-pro-quo.

In the prosecutorial agreement within the Cohen case, there obviously remains the fulfillment of terms. Michael Cohen doesn’t report to prison until March 6th, 2019. Why the exceptional judicial delay and generosity?…. The incoming Chairman for the House Government and Oversight Committee, Elijah Cummings, explains:

I apologize for posting this video, but it does explain why!

Back to Sundance.
There it is; transparently obvious for any political observer who has a modicum of intellectual honesty. House committees will use testimony from Michael Cohen as the cornerstone for their well-structured political strategy to eliminate the existential threat to their ongoing DC livelihood, President Trump.

There should be no doubt this plan was conceived well before Special Counsel Robert Mueller passed the investigative torch to his compatriots in the Southern District of New York. This impeachment/removal approach is a synergy between multiple benefactors, and is entirely by design.

A commenter named Lactantius gives us this:
Impeachment proceedings must arise in the House of Representatives. A complaint may be general in scope or name specific offenses. A petition from a citizen may be filed by a single Representative. The entire House votes to impeach and a simple majority vote is needed for the impeachment to be effected.

The Senate becomes the jury and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court sits as the judge. The Defendant is represented and the House appoints the prosecution. If less than 2/3rds of the Senators present agree in the official’s guilt, then the impeached official is acquitted and returns to his office without penalty. If 2/3rds of the Senators present find the official guilty, the official is removed from office and prohibited from holding future offices. No civil or criminal penalties may be imposed by the Congress. No court can overturn the decision of Congress in cases involving impeachment and conviction.
Read more here.

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