Andrew's opening monolog is about James Comey, who, since being fired as head of the FBI, has been working full time as a "sanctimonious crap weasel." He testified behind closed doors in Congress Monday that he had no idea why he and everyone under his command had been either fired or demoted and that he was not aware that he had even been FBI Director until he read it in the newspaper like everybody else. Comey declared that every Republican must allow his or her reputation to be utterly destroyed in order to assure that Democrats win the next election. When asked why Republicans should do that, Comey answered, "Because otherwise, I will end up in jail where I belong! How dare they ask me about my actions (referring to Fox News, the only mainstream media outlet to ask questions about FBI corruption under Comey's lack of leadership.)
The Deep State is real. It is not a "conspiracy theory" to say that they acted against the candidacy, then the actual presidency of Donald Trump to preserve their own power. The New York Times has trotted out that phrase, just as the CIA did in the 1960s to cover up their involvement with Lee Harvey Oswald. Obama-appointed judges have said that Obama and his Deep State appointees decide what the law is. The Supreme Court needs to step forward and say the laws are what the legislators who made the laws say they are, as long as those laws are in accordance with the Constitution.
The state of our nation is that we have just a few elected officials representing us, while thousands of unelected people, protected by civil service rules so they won't get fired, come to believe that they can implement or not implement laws in any way they see fit. Democrats and the Left media are natural allies who influence and agree with the policies set by the unelected bureaucrats.
The puppy dog passivity the press brought forward in the Obama years has been followed by the ferocity they bring to Donald Trump. The problem is that the press treated Obama one way and Trump the opposite, just like Comey treated Hilary Clinton one way and Donald Trump an entirely different way. Comey is arrogant now because the Democrats are coming into power in the House in January and they will do everything in their power to protect him and cover up the Deep State crimes against Trump and his administration.
Apparently, Facebook has taken the Daily Wire podcasts off of Facebook!
Andrew's guest is Adam Plantinga, a veteran cop who has written books about police work and, after 17 years in law enforcement is still doing police work as a Sergeant in Los Angelos. His latest book is Police Craft. He says that in those 17 years he has only heard one officer say the "N" word. The crime rate is highest in lower socioeconomic neighborhoods which happen to have a majority of black and brown residents. Many are involved in the sale or use of street drugs. People grow up expecting to go to jail or having their friends go to jail. Also, We are not doing mentally ill persons any favors by giving freedom to people who cannot function in society. Cops need to have a long fuse in dealing with people that are irrational and/or strung out on dope.
In answer to a question by Andrew, Plantinga said he thought an HBO show called The Wire did the best job of accurately portraying the jobs of cops. Movies? Plantinga is still waiting for a movie to accurately portray police work. He says that the common use of body cameras is going a long way towards helping people understand how cops operate.
Miss Universe had a transgender guy who was Miss Spain. The media celebrated! Andrew asks, "Who is this good for? What does the Left want?"
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