Saturday, November 10, 2018

"Today's psychiatric hospitals house less than a tenth of the people that they housed in 1950!"

People are afraid they might be violating someone else's rights, says Greg Gutfeld in his opening monolog on The Five on the mass murders in Thousand Oaks, California.

Yet, Dana Perino points out that the shooters mother was worried he might hurt someone, so police called in a psychiatrist who evaluated him and announced, "He is not a harm to himself or to others at this time."

Dana adds, "There is also the issue of liberty!"

Speaking as a retired social worker, I can tell you that the professions of psychology, psychiatry and social work are as much caught up in the Leftist ideologies as are the campuses producing snowflakes who don't want to hurt anybody's feelings. To ask anyone in these professions to have the courage to protect communities from nutcases is mostly folly.

Then, of course, there is Juan Williams who says, there are too many guns in this country! That was the final straw for me, so I don't know what other subjects they covered in this program which was aired November 8.

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