Saturday, November 10, 2018

"the Florida chadlands have been lovingly preserved as a wacky Recount theme park."

Mark Steyn has some thoughts about the recounts going on in Florida.
As I have said lo, these many years, when Republicans win elections, they have to win beyond the Margin of Lawyer. Otherwise, regardless of who won on Election Day, the Democrat always wins on Post-Election Day, because mysteriously all the missing ballot boxes found in dumpsters and recycling bins and the trunks of Democrat cars contain virtually no Republican votes. Alas, in the Sunshine State of Florida, the GOP's gubernatorial and senatorial candidates failed to win beyond the Margin of Lawyer, and as a result we're all discovering, two decades on, that the same institutional corruption that put US electoral integrity on a par with the Congo is still there, entirely unspoiled by progress. Everything else in the world has been transformed beyond recognition - newspapers, telephones, Bruce Jenner - but the Florida chadlands have been lovingly preserved as a wacky Recount theme park.'s time for the lawyers. Democracy in action: One man, one vote, one recount, one suit, one ex parte motion, one interlocutory appeal...

It was eighteen years ago that Florida's election systems were revealed to the world as both farcical and corrupt. But here we again, with nothing changed. Because apparently Floridians - or, at any rate, their political class, like it that way.
Go here to read much more about the 2000 election in Florida.

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