Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Some of today's best comments

chique d'afrique commented at the Ace of Spades blog, "...Women are being socialized to be empty-headed griping narcissists. This is why a lot of them feel OK accusing an innocent guy of sex crimes/sexthought crimes just because they are upset/don't like the guy/just feel like it."

Bozo Conservative...menace to society commented at the Ace of Spades blog, "Really, it is time to dissolve NATO as it presently exists.

Why do we do this?

Trump was arguing with Macron about an "EU Army". I say, go for it.

Bring our hardware and service men back home. We don't need to protect the world from itself, especially Europe.

They don't want us, they don't need us, and it is costing way too much. Let them make friends with Ivan Putin and The Chinese All Star PLA. I've been to Europe a couple of times, and I really don't need to go back.

It's all theirs. Good night, let's save ourselves some money."

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