Saturday, November 17, 2018

Some McDonald's trivia

The oldest operating McDonald’s restaurant was the third one built, opening in 1953.
It’s located at 10207 Lakewood Blvd. at Florence Ave. in Downey, California.

Bob Taylor writes in Communities Digital News, least 9 countries around the world have banned McDonald’s. The list includes Bermuda, Iran, Macedonia, Yemen, Montenegro, North Korea, Zimbabwe, Bolivia and Iceland.

With tensions in Iran and the U.S. it has been decades since a McDonald’s has ventured into that decidedly cheesy Middle Eastern nation. Not to worry, though. Iran does have its own version of McDonald’s fast food. It’s called “Mash Donald’s.” You can’t make this stuff up.

In Bolivia, the Mickey D franchise is not outlawed. But Bolivians claim there are no Golden Arches there because they do not want to purchase hamburgers in large quantities from a major corporation. Pollo Loco, anyone?

Rumor has it that Iceland did away with Happy Meals due to that country’s national obsession with eating healthy.

As for North Korea, no explanation is necessary.

By the way, the only U.S. capital city without a McDonald’s is Montpelier, Vermont.
Go here to read more trivia.

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