Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Comments on Chicoms, Obama, Khashoggi, Saudis, Marine reservists, Antifa, allies and the media

More from commenters at the Ace of Spades blog.
Circa (insert year here) commented,
How many people do the Chicoms disappear on a daily basis?

Blago commented,
...I honestly see more outrage over this from the media than all the people from Saudi Arabia that perpetrated 9/11,

x commented,
if you're a mouthpiece for al quada I'm not going to give two shits if someone cuts lips off and dices you into insinkerator size chunks

Jane D'oh commented,
Marine reservists were maced and attacked by Antifa activists in Philly. Caught on video. Jane also wonders if Khashoggi's name is on the White House logs when Barry was president. Another comment from Jane: Remember Barry bowing (deeply) to the Saudi's? I do.

Boswell commented,
The media are every bit as cold and hard bitten as the house of Saud - and every bit as conniving.

TexasDan commented,
...If you want any leverage at all with your marriage of convenience ally, you absolutely keep your mouth shut.

citizen cake commented,
The Saudis are not our friends, and a lot of the modern strain of Islamic radicalism can be directly traced back to them.


They're our allies because there's a bigger menace than the Islamists right now - a nuclear Iran running unfettered in the Gulf.

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