Tuesday, October 02, 2018

"You can't unsee it!"

This is a very substantial Scott Adams podcast. First, Scott tells us about the overdose on Fentanyl that killed his stepson this week. He calls for the death of the Chinese and others involved in making and distributing Fentanyl. Thirty thousand Americans have now been killed by the drug.

I was happy to see him talk about the incredible success the Trump team has earned in completing trade deals with South Korea, Japan, Mexico, and Canada. The Kavanaugh hearings have overshadowed reporting on the trade successes. Trump made friends with our enemies and negotiated hard with our friends.

What did the efforts of previous administrations get us? Bad trade deals and a nuclear confrontation! If Trump appoints a second conservative to the Supreme Court and left office, and just said, "I like golfing," he would be seen as the most important president in the last 100 years! He brought a systems approach and business perspective to the job. Once you've seen it, you can't unsee it. We've never seen it before. Future presidents will be held to his standard!

Trump and Kavanaugh are accused of having bad temperaments. When have women ever been accused of having bad temperaments? Are "temperamental" as used in describing men, and "hysterical," as used in describing women sexist words that should not be used?

When the economy imploded in 2007, 2008, many young adults did not leave their homes. That is also when iPhones came out. Where is the pain that motivates them to improve their situations?

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