Monday, October 22, 2018

The American Trinity

A new video from Prager U. and it is one of the best yet!
Race and ethnicity have defined every nation on earth, except one: the United States of America! It is defined by values! The American values are:
1. E Pluribus Unum
2. Liberty
3. In God We Trust

E Pluribus Unum is Latin, meaning "out of many, one"
The moment an immigrant becomes a citizen of the U.S. he or she is regarded as fully American.
What about equality? In America, all are born equal and are (supposed to be) equal before the law. Some, like Hillary Clinton, are more equal than others!

America gives people the liberty to end up wherever their abilities, work ethic, and luck take them, meaning, unequal!

God is the source of moral values. We do not have a state religion, like so many other countries. We have the God of the Bible. As our Declaration of Independence put it, "All people are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." In other words, rights come from God, not from men! If rights are given by men (or women), men (or women) can take them away.

Will Americans continue to revere these values? How long will it be before Google censors this video, as they have so many of the other Prager U. videos?

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