Saturday, October 13, 2018

Prepare to defend ourselves!

Guest post by Suzann Darnall

Folks, let us not be fooled, we are facing a fight to defend our way of life. Our rights, our freedoms, our way of government, and our future are on the line with the upcoming midterm elections and the 2020 presidential race. We had better keep things Republican Red, otherwise we may become mired in Communist Red or at least the deep pink of Socialism that will soon darken to be as red as anything Marx ever imagined!

Everything I am reading about the new “darlings” of the Democratic Party shows them to be of the same vein as their elders, Socialists at the very least and truly leaning much more Communist. Although they are often defining themselves as Democratic Socialists, they really would like to move things wholly to Socialism at the least and Communism as the ideal. That means freedom dies. That means our Republic is no more. Than means we lose ALL rights and liberties.

So, we must fight and fight hard to defend our liberty. This may not be a war of independence such as we fought in 1776, but it is a war FOR independence. The independence of the individual. We are going to have to fight to keep our Republic and our rights. We have already let some of our freedom be frittered away by those within our borders and our government who would enslave us bit by bit through the encroaching restrictions they impose with manipulation of the government and putting in ever increasing regulations.

Yes, I know the Republicans are not perfect. I know some of them are RINOs and others are Democrats who just keep the “R” after their name on the ballots so they can win in the Red states. But, by and large the Republicans are at least the lesser of two evils. And, even the traitorous Republicans give us the majorities in House, Senate, Governors, and other government entities. And, majorities matter! A lot!!!

So, let’s get out the vote. Vote Republican. Do not even elect a Democrat to be the local dogcatcher! ‘Cause one foothold at the bottom rung of the political ladder allows them to start climbing. We must do our best to eradicate Democrats in office. Let’s turn not just Texas as red as the sky at sunset, but let’s spread that red across America like a Republican rainbow in shades of scarlet and crimson.

Red, Right, Republican! We “R” going to win! We must win! Vote! Vote a straight Republican ticket. Give President Trump the tools he requires to continue to make American great and keep America great. Defend our nation from those within our borders who would do us harm. Protect our future as well as the future of our children and grandchildren. Let’s be sure to pass along freedom to those who follow in our footsteps! God bless America!!!

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