Friday, October 19, 2018

In Defense of Goodness and Beauty

Guest post
by Suzann Darnall

I am sickened by what I see as the never-ending assaults on that which is beautiful and good. I realize that not all of us have the same definitions for beauty or good, but I think we often overlap more than we realize. At least, I find that with my conservative family, friends, and acquaintances. Not always so much with those I meet who are more liberal or otherwise different in their viewpoint.

One of the most egregious assaults I see on that which is beautiful and good, is the killing of our unborn children, quite often just ‘cause the child would be inconvenient if born. What is more beautiful than a baby? I fell in love with my children and grandchildren before they were even born. I thought my pregnant belly and the pregnant bellies of my daughters were truly amazing works of science and art that could house an unborn infant and aid in bringing a new life into the world. My father thinks every pregnant woman he sees is beautiful and they should all be treated like queens. My mother and I both think each and every child being born should be celebrated. So, it hurts to know that a segment of the world thinks it is okay to kill these wee treasures. A segment that find pregnancy something to be disdained and not cherished.

In a much less life-or-death situation, I am appalled by the abuse being heaped upon fairy tales in general and the Disney princesses in particular. I mean come on people, fairy tales and Disney princesses are make-believe. They are the stuff of childhood. They are about beautiful people, good overcomes evil, and happy endings. They are now being warped by feminists and their ilk into fictional accounts of rape, assault, patriarchal oppressions, child abuse, and much more. Sorry, not sorry, I do not view them that way at all. But, then again, I like the idea of being rescued by a knight in shining armor riding upon a magnificent steed. I liked playing with dolls. I always think of my husband when I hear the Snow White or Sleeping Beauty sing about their dream prince. I am lucky enough to be married to my Prince Charming, I guess.

The attack on the family is another effort I see to tear down that which is good and beautiful. Family is an integral part of a healthy society. Overreaching government and their minions are working overtime to destroy families. The welfare state, Planned Parenthood, and numerous government entities are directly in opposition to the building of a family and creation of a happy home. Some politicians even believe government should have more to say in the raising of children than parents.

While there are so many more examples of the destruction of beauty and goodness, the last one I am going to cover is the systematic erosion of our religious rights. Such an eating away of these rights directly impacts our ability to worship freely the Creator of all that is virtuous, lovely, of good report, or praiseworthy. In other words, to celebrate God and the beauty of the world He gave us. We see this one being implemented on many levels, but one which concerns me is that some government entities are even curtailing the freedom of Christian artists to create only that which they wish to create.

We must stand up for that which is good and beautiful. We must fight against those who would impose their ugly views of humanity and the world upon us. Let us celebrate the light, the life, the love, and the laughter. And, along the way, let us elect those who will help us to protect not only the beautiful things in life, but our right to celebrate them as we will. Remember: Red, Right, and Republican are beautiful words when it comes to voting and protecting liberty!!!

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