Friday, October 12, 2018

Go see the Gosnell movie!

Tonight was the premiere of the Gosnell movie. Colleen and I went to the 5:15 p.m. showing and we took our two teens who are still living here. Only one other person was in the theater! I talked to him after the movie. He was born in Germany and is now a priest here in New Mexico. He pointed out that in order to approve of abortion, first it must be alleged that the baby is not human. That is what the Nazis did. They dehumanized Jews, gypsies, and gays, thereby making it okay to kill them.

Is the movie any good? Definitely! My three favorite actors were the woman who played the Assistant D.A. who was the prosecutor, the man who played the defense attorney for Gosnell, and the man who played Gosnell. A blogger named Molly Mulhaney was also portrayed in the movie. She is the one who took pictures in the courtroom showing the empty rows of seats reserved for the press, which put pressure on the media to cover the trial they had been covering up.

CNS News has a review of the movie by Dr. Elise Rose here. Rush Limbaugh reviews it here today.

As the trailer below reveals, the feds under Obama and Holder did not want to touch the abortion issue. To them, it was a case of illegal drug trafficking. But once the Philadelphia cops investigated, the discovery of dead babies meant that Gosnell's abortion practices were revealed. Not only his abortion practices but babies born alive that were left to die on shelves.

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