Saturday, October 20, 2018

Don't forget Obama's indifference to the death of journalists!

In American Thinker, Daniel John Sobieski writes,
As facts are gathered concerning the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the foreign-policy implications are pondered by a liberal chattering class willing to blame President Trump when a sparrow falls from a tree, consider the reaction by President Barack Hussein Obama to the murder of journalists and the press treatment of a president who actually bowed to a Saudi king.

President Trump’s caution against a rush to judgment concerning our Saudi allies has the press moaning that the condemnation of the Saudis is not coming fast enough or will not be harsh enough. Any reaction comes in the context of the need to keep Iran from building a deliverable nuclear weapon or otherwise expanding its hegemony in the Middle East. Listening to Trump’s critics could easily result in a strategic disaster as we sit after the gust clears in our smug anti-Trump motivated self-righteousness/

Journalists should not be slain by authoritarians, tyrants, or ideological fanatics for their views, but they have been, and in the case of President Obama with an attitude of callous indifference. Has the media forgotten the attack on the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which, along with a deli attacked at the same time, the Obama administration dismissed as the victims just being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

The lives of the four Jews killed in a kosher market in Paris were dismissed by Obama as "a bunch of folks in a deli" shot "randomly" as they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

After the attack on that kosher market and on Charlie Hebdo, President Obama didn’t have time to join other world leaders in a moving protest march in the streets of Paris. He did have time to watch an NFL playoff game and welcome the San Antonio Spurs to the White House.

After issuing a perfunctory condemnation of the Islamic State’s beheading of American journalist James Foley, President Obama was moments later on a golf course. The realities of dealing with Islamic terrorism, a phrase that cannot cross his lips, could not be allowed to disturb a President who was contemplating the threat of climate change as he works to correct his slice.

Not only did Obama go golfing after James Foley’s execution, he didn’t do all that much to prevent it, according to Foley’s family:

The Obama administration failed James Foley in the 21 months before the journalist was savagely executed, the dead man's brother charged.

Michael Foley, speaking Friday with Yahoo News, said the beheading of his sibling by Islamic State (ISIS) jihadists should change America's handling of similar cases in the future.

"There's more that could have been done directly on Jim's behalf," Michael Foley said in a shot at the White House. "I really, really hope that Jim's death pushes us to take another look at our approach to terrorist and hostage negotiation."

...Critics of President Trump’s handling of the Khashoggi affair ought to revisit President Obama’s indifference to the war on radical Islamic terrorists and the murder of reporters by their bloody hands.
Read more here.

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