Monday, October 29, 2018

"But the world is not a John Lennon song. Pittsburgh showed us that yet again. It's time to grow up."

The New Neo writes about the murders at the Pittsburg synagogue,
...Those who blame this on Trump are reprehensible, but their tactics were inevitable, too. To them Trump, who has been a great friend of Israel and the Jews, is the source of all evil. The fact that the shooter was a Trump-hater just means that Trump somehow triggered him (quite literally). The Resistance and NeverTrumpers can be quite creative in finding reasons to blame him for every awful thing that happens, and lack of logic is no obstacle.

In PJ Media, Roger L. Simon writes,
This Jewish boy is going to buy a gun.

The local and global situation with anti-Semitism has reached such a level I'd be a fool not to. Between the rising anti-Zionism and Jew-hatred on our campuses and in the Democratic Party (what were Barack Obama and Bill Clinton doing being photographed with Louis Farrakhan?), the bloodthirsty jihadists, and the neo-Nazi monsters like this Bower character, we are at a point I never thought we'd reach in my lifetime. And as the co-screenwriter of two feature films about the Holocaust, I have a pretty good idea where it can lead.

So I will buy a gun. It's not about fear. It's just history and logic -- the canary in the coal mine thing. I want my family and me to be ready if catastrophe strikes, although I sincerely hope it never will. Oh, how I hope that. But I still have to be prepared.

When I heard Donald Trump recommend to the congregation of the Tree of Life synagogue that they have armed guards, I could but nod. Actually, I was surprised they didn't already. Many, if not most, temples and other Jewish institutions I know in New York and Los Angeles are at high levels of readiness, often with police and/or security personnel standing by. In France, all Jewish organizations, synagogues, schools, etc. are constantly guarded by gendarmes with highly visible automatic weapons. It's an accepted part of the landscape Given what has occurred there, they have no choice. Israel's security measures are legendary.

I am not angry at the people -- some are friends of mine -- who are adamant about gun control, just frustrated with them. I understand the idealistic impulse. I had it myself for many years. But the world is not a John Lennon song. Pittsburgh showed us that yet again. It's time to grow up.
Read more here.

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