Monday, September 17, 2018

When will we ever learn?

Becket Adams writes in the Washington Examiner that Judge Kavanaugh's mother
didn’t foreclose on his accuser’s parents' house.

...But perhaps the strangest one this week comes in the form of a 1996 court case adjudicated in the Montgomery County Circuit Court. The case involves Ford’s parents, Ralph and Paula Blasey, and Kavanaugh’s mother, Martha, who served at the time as a judge on that circuit.

The court filing ( Case No. 156006V in the Circuit Court for Montgomery County) shows that the Blaseys appeared as defendants in a case involving a foreclosure on their home. And a judge briefly involved in the case was none other than Martha Kavanaugh.

For some on the Right, the documents seem like proof that Christine Blasey Ford has an ax to grind with Brett Kavanaugh.

...A review of the filings shows that Judge Kavanaugh signed an order in 1997 dismissing the foreclosure after the Blaseys refinanced their home. The 10th item on the court docket reads, “ORDER OF COURT (KAVANAUGH, J./RICE, M.) THAT THE VOLUNTARY MOTION TO DISMISS IS HEREBY GRANTED WITH PREJUDICE AND THAT THE BOND FILED BY HARRY J. KELLY AS TRUSTEE SHALL BE RELEASED AND RETURNED FILED.”

Court records show the case was heard by several judges and that Martha Kavanaugh was just one of them. The records show she made no ruling pertaining to a seizure of the Blasleys’ home. The records also show that her involvement in the case was minimal. Basically, she dismissed it, and that's it.

She even dismissed the foreclosure “with prejudice,” meaning that, on the merits, the case was over and could not be refiled on the same grounds. Also, in case you were wondering, the Blaseys still retain ownership of the home listed in the court filings, according to the most current data available from the state of Maryland’s Department of Assessment and Taxation. So no, it does not appear that they lost their home.
Becket goes on to quote from stories in Gateway Pundit, Pacific Pundit and, I am sorry to say, PowerLine, all of whom apparently misread the court filings, implying Ford had a revenge motive in opposing Kavanaugh. Read more here.

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