Friday, September 21, 2018

"That's not innocent housekeeping, that's a tell."

Oregon Muse writes at the Ace of Spades blog,
"Christine Blasey Ford is the Eric Clanton of the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. You morons remember Clanton, don't you? He was the antifa pussy who clubbed a Trump supporter with a bike lock, and I say pussy because just look at the video: He's hanging in the back of the crowd, then suddenly bursts out in front, hits the guy when he isn't looking, and disappears back into the crowd. Clanton obviously didn't expect any consequences for his cowardly attack, but hadn't counted on being tracked down and identified by 4chan. And it's the same with Ford. She expected to just toss in a stink bomb and then disappear back into anonymity as just another #MeToo victim. And the Democrats expected the GOP to just flop like the Cleveland Browns late in the season and that would be that. Oh,and completely scrubbing her internet presence made her bad faith even more obvious. That's like your wife coming home and you suddenly have a completely blank browser history. That's not innocent housekeeping, that's a tell."

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