Saturday, September 22, 2018


Guest post
by Suzann Darnall

I am an old-fashioned kind of girl. I believe in the love between a man and a woman. I believe God made woman to be a helpmeet for man. And, yet, I also believe in the equality of the sexes. Not that we are the same, but that we are each equally deserving of the respect of the other.

This does not mean I oppose same-sex marriage. It is the law and who am I do deny others the joyful unions they are entitled to by law. Besides, I have enough on my own self-improvement plate without worrying about what others are doing that might or might not be right or wrong.

But, I do have a lil something to say about the so-called “Feminist Movement” happening in America today. I speak out about it ‘cause it is not a private issue between two consenting adults and the Lord. It is a never-ending disaster which is affecting all of us. Men, women, and children!

I walked away from the feminist movement of an earlier era when I discovered just how much they opposed freedom of choice in all but one arena. They were all about the freedom to have an abortion, but woe unto the women who did not fall in line with what they felt women should think, do, and be. The new and un-improved feminist movement is even worse. They not only seem to hate women who refuse to toe the line of their feminist agenda, they hate most men, and do not seem all that fond of children. At least I think they are anti-child ‘cause the mainstay of their agenda still seems to be fighting for the right to abort as many unborn babies as possible.

But, the main point I want to focus on in this essay is that of men and women. Not men VERSUS women, but men AND women. You see, it takes two. Two to make a marriage. Two to make a baby. Two to make a partnership. And, a marriage should be a partnership. A joining of minds and hearts and, to be blunt, bodies. For me, that means a partnership with a man. My love, my friend, my husband, my sweetheart, my partner.

My husband completes me and he says I complete him. We not only love one another, we like one another. We are not adversaries trying to overcome one another, we are partners trying to overcome the adversities the world throws at us. We work and play and strive and relax as a team. Even when we are apart we are still working together. He makes money, while I make us a home. In earlier times, I also tended the children. Nowadays the “children” are two Mustangs, a Great Dane, two barncats, and four habitats for fish . . . plus the resident herd of deer who show up for Bambi Breakfast Club and Bambi Supper Club.

I well and truly cannot understand the feminists of today any more than I did the feminists of my teens. How can they be so filled with hate for men? Especially now that they have pretty much leveled the playing field. Most of the women today who shriek about sexism really have no idea what it means to be refused something based on your gender. I do. I lived in the age when women were fighting to get into the military academies. Even after letting women in, some still were discriminated against in an effort to keep certain career fields for men only. So, I am not only insulted when these women march around in pussy hats, or topless, or screaming once more about the right to kill their unborn children, I am confused.

Feminists fought for the right to have recreational sex. They attained birth control, abortions, and even what amounts to legalized prostitution in many instances. Yet, they complain about being sexualized and objectified. Their current favored protest of objectification based on their “lady parts” is to dress up as said lower lady parts or bare said upper lady parts. Well, sweeties, half the world’s population has vaginas and breasts, so maybe y’all should find something else for your shock value. You are not cutting edge, y’all are just silly looking. But, hey at least y’all are not as silly looking as the men dressing in pussy hats or as vaginas. Oh my gosh! Those are definitely not the guys I’d pick for a partnership.

I not only love my husband, I like men in general. I like to talk to men. I love my two sons-in-law, my grandson, my brothers, and my father. I enjoy conversing with them. I also have numerous male friends who are important to my life. Some of them are married, some are not. I cannot imagine hating them or treating them like the enemy, They are friends. Just like my female friends, except different. They give me something women cannot provide. Just as women give me something men cannot provide. I would be incomplete without the two sets of friends.

In a way it is my male friends who challenge me, while it is my female friends who support me. I need both challenge and support to be the best me that I can be. Just as I am incomplete without my husband, so I am incomplete without ALL of my friends. Being only challenged might make me stronger, but lonelier. While being only supported might make me feel more loved, but probably will leave me less independent.

I see within myself the partnership that is echoed in my marriage. I have a strong part and a soft part. The strong part helps me make a tough decision, while the soft part helps me be careful in dealing with who that decision might affect. In my marriage it is that way. Only sometimes I am strong and sometimes it is my husband. Sometimes I am soft and sometimes it is him. We balance one another. We support one another. We challenge one another. Not in a “you win or lose” way, but in a “you can be better” way. Which is really a “we can be better” way.

Just as I rejected feminism in the 1970s, I am rejecting it in the 21st century. Feminists have learned nothing except how to be more hateful and more harmful. They do not care about equality anymore, now they want the utter destruction of the male half of the population. How very sad for them. How very dangerous for us. Without men AND women, the human race dies out. Without partnerships, civilization dies out. We need one another. Man, woman, and child. I truly believe family is the cornerstone of civilization and family starts with a man and woman. Even test-tube babies need a biological mother and biological father. No way to procreate humans without two genders. The science on that has been settled since the beginning of humanity!
Suzann blogs at WoolyMammoth.Org

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