Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Is Kavanaugh innocent until proven guilty?

The European Union has banned memes! As you might expect, Andrew has some things to say about that!

Innocent until proven guilty? What happened to that American value?

In the Leftese Dictionary, I is for Intersectionality. One of Andrew's best!

Jenna Ellis is Andrew's guest. She has written a book entitled "The Legal Basis for a Moral Constitution." There has been a concerted effort by the Left to replace natural law with social contract law.

God made possible three types of authority: civil government, the church, and the family.

The progressive Left wanted to legitimize their immorality. They had rejected the church and the family, so they were only left with the civil government.

Conservatism is about conserving objective truth.

Andrew asks, "Is it inherent in sexual freedom that we lose our political freedom?" Jenna replies, "Can we legislate morality?" We do! She talked about the moral basis behind our criminal laws.

Jenna talks about the Convention of States project whose purpose is to reign in the federal government. It is looking at term limits for members of Congress, a balanced budget, and reform of the judiciary to stop judicial activists from being legislators.

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