Saturday, September 22, 2018

Humor blindness

What percentage of the public can't recognize a joke? Scott Adams, who has been drawing Dilbert cartoons for about three decades, believes it is about 30%.

Trump in public is fine. Some say though that in private he is not okay. The only way to know the truth is to wear a wire and record him. That was Rosenstein's idea, according to the New York Times. Rosenstein denies it.

The famously anti-Trump New York Times would not go out of their way to create a positive Trump story...but they did! The story plays right into Trump's claims of the Deep State being out to get him!

So what is going to happen? Rosenstein is going to be fired, predicts Adams.

The Republican party elevates men to positions of importance and the Democratic Party does not. Without offering a factual basis, Scott believes African-American and Hispanic males are increasingly going to vote Republican.

While Scott is doing his Periscope podcast, subscribers write their opinions to Scott and he reads some of their thoughts. One said the New York Times might be trying to manipulate Trump into firing Rosenstein early so it could become an issue in the midterm elections.

Trump held back his opinion, but now is firing away. Scott says there is something delightfully transparent about being able to know what our president really thinks.

Only five percent of Democrats believe Keith Ellison abused his two most recent girlfriends. Scott: If you're in their group, you can get away with quite a bit!

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