...Not only are they despicable to Kavanaugh — a man with an impeccable reputation as far as women are concerned — and his family, but in using the hapless Ms. Ford as a pawn, they are making a mockery of the #MeToo movement, increasing suspicion of women (and men) who come forward in cases of sexual abuse where there is genuine proof and corroboration, not, as in this situation, an amorphous memory without time, place, witness, or remotely contemporary report.https://pjmedia.com/rogerlsimon/democrats-go-full-stalin-on-kavanaugh-declassification/
Even Ford's sponsor, Dianne Feinstein, admitted in a rare moment of candor — or was it guilty conscience — that she wasn't sure of the accuser's veracity. Feinstein, a coward terrified of her left flank, walked it back quickly. The California senator has much to answer for, not just the unconscionable sandbagging of Judge Kavanaugh, but also the extraordinary enrichment of her family by the Chinese at the very time she was being chauffeured by one of the communists' spies.
But in the grand tradition of Stalin and Beria, it is our FBI that leads the pack, and the man whose crime they wished to "show" is President Trump. Unfortunately, the tables have turned and the crime stoppers are about to be unmasked as the criminals (cf. Norman Mailer).
Enter Trump's call for the declassification of the FISA documents and related material, including all the text messages concerning Russia, that has been stonewalled by the FBI and DOJ for over a year, making the constitutionally-mandated oversight by congressional committees nigh on to impossible.
No doubt the FBI/DOJ will do their best to slow-walk the release just as they have before. The solution is simple. Trump should give them a deadline. If they still delay, he should fire them. If they use the oh-so-tired-and-ridiculous "sources and methods" excuse, he should fire them nine ways to Brooklyn and shoot them through a cannon. That's the biggest piece of self-serving bull around. Enough of this Stasi-NKVD behavior.
This blog is looking for wisdom, to have and to share. It is also looking for other rare character traits like good humor, courage, and honor. It is not an easy road, because all of us fall short. But God is love, forgiveness and grace. Those who believe in Him and repent of their sins have the promise of His Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the Way.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Give them a deadline!
Roger L. Simon writes at PJ Media about the Democrats going "full Stalin" on Brett Kavanaugh.
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