Saturday, September 01, 2018

"Do you think the FBI would give you a pass if you decided to respond to a subpoena by bleaching your hard drive?"

Kurt Schlichter writes at Town Hall,
...Sure, the rule of law is terrific in concept, and it would sure be nice to give it another whirl here in America, but we aren’t blind or stupid. We see what the “law” is and how it’s applied – there’s one law for the elite (that’s the one that never gets applied) and one for us Normals that’s designed to keep us in line with our mouths shut.

Today, the “law” is a weapon wielded by the establishment to cement its grip on its power and position. That’s why Democrats are so eager to repeal Citizens United and pass all sorts of new laws restricting election campaigning. They know they will be able to violate those laws with impunity while using them to jam up their conservative opponents.

Justice? That’s a laugh. And all the fake posturing and posing, both by the Democrats and by the conservaquisling crew, is not going to change our minds and make us unsee what is right before our eyes.

...And because there is no equal application of the law today, there is no rule of law in the United States today.

What it means right now is that preferred establishment figures and groups get a free pass from their elite prosecutor pals, but you – an uppity Normal or the representative you choose – gets the full weight of the feds. That’s by design. The law is not designed to restrain our masters. It’s designed to keep you in chains. The elite tries to sell you on the idea that justice is blind, that before the law everyone is the same. But that’s a lie. It’s not, and that’s the way they want it.

Look at Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit. I recently asked fellow folks who did stuff with classified material back in the day what would have happened to one of us if we had done what that Looming Doofus James Comey said The Harpy did before handing her an “Elite Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free” card. The results were 99% “I’d be in Leavenworth,” and the other 1% insisted that I was racist and cisnormative for even bringing it up.

Do you think the FBI would give you a pass if you decided to respond to a subpoena by bleaching your hard drive? Come on. You’d be negotiating with Bubba for the top bunk’s primo cell block view. But the FBI brass gave her a pass, because she was their establishment pal. Then, when we dared to elect someone that the bureaucrats did not approve of, they picked a bunch of Hillary donors to “investigate” our candidate until they found a “crime.” I’m old enough to remember back when “Russian collusion” was a thing; actually, we’ve found that it was a thing only among the liberals paying people to pay Russians for a dossier as part of a campaign to undo the election. Yet, none of our law enforcement apparatus, under the wheezy command of Sleepy Jeff Sessions, seem interested in investigating that. I wonder what Jeff’s doing in the photos they must have of him – there’s an image to haunt your nightmares.

Where there are two sets of laws, there are no laws. There’s just power being applied to try to keep the Normals in line. Remember, Manafort was investigated and cleared years ago. Even that half-wit Michael Cohen would have kept up happily committing his low-grade graft if not for daring to be associated with the guy the establishment hates. By the way, I find it hilarious that Cohen gave Mueller the pleas to the two (fake) campaign finance “crimes” in exchange for five years. Idiot. He had the brass ring and gave it away – if he’d been my client, and I don’t represent gutless morons, I would have held out for six months home detention. And that sad-faced, desperate, basset hound-looking Democrat operative (working through fellow partisans in the Southern District of New York office) would have eventually given it to him.
Read more here.

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