Friday, September 14, 2018

And Trump still won!

Zero Hedge reports,
...according to a Breitbart report by Allum Bokhari, "By inserting negative search suggestions under the name of a candidate, search engines like Google can shift the opinions of undecided voters by up to 43.4 percent, according to new research by a team at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology and reported exclusively by Breitbart News."

In response to the viral video leaked to Breitbart, President Trump's 2016 digital campaign manager and 2020 re-election campaign manager, Brad Parscale, called for an investigation over Twitter.

...In an April 15, 2014 email from Google's then-Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt found in the WikiLeaked Podesta emails, titled "Notes for a 2016 Democratic Campaign," Schmidt tells Cheryl Mills that "I have put together my thoughts on the campaign ideas and I have scheduled some meetings in the next few weeks for veterans of the campaign to tell me how to make these ideas better. This is simply a draft but do let me know if this is a helpful process for you all."

Here is former Google Chairman Eric Schmidt wearing his official Hillary campaign badge.

Read more here.

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