Sunday, September 30, 2018

AI and humans

KaiFu Lee and FeiFei Lu

AI pioneer KaiFu started Google in China in 2005. In a wired interview he was asked about his concerns about AI. He says fifty percent of people will lose their jobs to AI.
Citi recently warned that big layoffs could be coming based on automation-related replacements. Entrepreneurs are trying to build things that save cost. There’s no way you can stop that. So yes, this is a big concern. For specific domains, AI will take over in a couple of years.

...The first concern is what I call low-compassion, low-creativity jobs—probably half the jobs that humans have. These are for sure going to be taken by AI over the next 15 years.

... Li believes AI has the potential to free us from more mundane tasks, so we can focus on things that require creativity, critical thinking, and connection. A nurse, for example, might be freed from managing medical equipment so he can spend more time with a patient. “If you look at the technology’s potential,” she says, “it’s unbounded.” But only, she notes, if you put humans at the center.
Read more here.

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