Sunday, September 16, 2018

A jealous husband?

Oh, oh! Trouble is brewing in the Conway household!

John Bowden reports in The Hill,
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway's husband, George Conway, took aim at the president on Twitter Friday over President Trump's criticism of his predecessor, former President Obama.

In a tweet, George Conway, a conservative lawyer, criticized Trump for mocking Obama for a 2008 gaffe in which he mistakenly said he visited "57 states" during his first presidential run.

"When President Obama said that he has been to '57 States,' very little mention in Fake News Media. Can you imagine if I said that...story of the year!" Trump had written in his tweet.

Conway responded on Twitter, saying that there is a "huge difference" between Obama's mistake and Trump's "witless prevarication on virtually all topics, large and small."

"Needless to say, there’s a huge difference between an isolated slip of the tongue and ceaseless, shameless, and witless prevarication on virtually all topics, large and small," Conway responded.

...Conway has frequently criticized Trump on social media, despite his wife's position at the White House.

Earlier this month, Conway retweeted a controversial anonymous New York Times op-ed warning that Trump is a dangerous and amoral leader.

Both Conways were the subjects of an interview in The Washington Post last month in which Kellyanne Conway stated that "part" of her husband "thinks I chose Donald Trump over him."

In the same interview, Kellyanne Conway called her husband's criticism of the president "disrespectful" to her.

“I think it’s disrespectful,” she said. “I think it disrespects his wife.”

"If there’s an issue, it’s because she’s in that job, for that man," George Conway told the Post in the article. "If my wife were the counselor to the CEO of Pepsi and I had a problem with her boss, I would simply drink my Coke and keep my mouth shut. If the president were simply mediocre or even bad, I’d have nothing to say. This is much different.”
Read more here.

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