Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Silicon Valley Censors

Roger L. Simon wrote at PJ Media,
...These Silicon Valley wizards, outside the tech and business worlds, are remarkably unsophisticated people on the psychological and moral levels. They are the last people who should be making judgments on matters of censorship and their followers, those they employ, aren't likely to be much better.

They are much like children, actually, extremely rich, selfish children who happened to have high board scores in math. They are the antithesis of the Founders of our country -- men like Franklin, Jefferson and Madison -- whose moral, psychological, and philosophical sophistication was extraordinary.

Nevertheless, these Silicon Valley dudes have more money and power than they know what do with, more than almost anyone else in the world, in fact. What we seem to be on the brink of, if not over the brink, is a kind of techno fascism replete with the deepest kind of enforced conformity through the fusion of social media and the hardware produced by these companies. It's already beyond what Orwell and Huxley conceived.

It would be ironic indeed if the suppression of someone as creepy as Alex Jones led to a serious reevaluation of our technological masters, but so be it. I'm the last person to argue for government intervention, but something has to be done before this goes any further.
Read more here.

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