...For decades, since the lead-up to Roe v. Wade, the Left has always framed abortion as an intensely personal, necessary choice for women.Abortion, we are told, spares them from becoming the pariah status of unwed motherhood — although any negatives associated with unwed motherhood vanished decades ago. Then, still assuming the long-gone ignominy of unwed motherhood, abortion advocates assure us that, without abortion, all those soon-to-be-shunned unwed mothers would end up dead in back alleys with coat hangers protruding from their bodies.
We’re also told that abortion prevents women from becoming worn-out baby making machines. The image is of the faded 35-year-old with seven children clinging to her skirts as she stands barefoot, pregnant yet again and, of course, in the kitchen. This argument, which dates back to Margaret Sanger’s time, ignores birth control entirely. As it is, one can buy myriad over-the-counter forms of birth control (condoms, sponges, gels, and foams). There are also all sorts of prescription options, such as the Pill, IUDs, diaphragms, and hormone implants that last for years.
...The solution, though, should be to change the culture by encouraging teens away from sex (and especially drunk sex), not by urging them to terminate their pregnancies.
What got Bookworm thinking about this was a speech which was recently given by Chelsea Clinton,
daughter of one president and another wannabe president, telling the world that through abortion, we can get better economic yields, which is the modern equivalent of better crops, by killing babies.Read more here.
...Unlike the Judeo-Christian tradition that values the individual and reviles human sacrifice as one of the world’s great evils, the pagan tradition places no value on the individual and elevates human sacrifice as a societal good for economic reasons. To the extent Chelsea, despite her claimed religiosity, is arguing for mass human sacrifice to help improve the American economy, that’s pure paganism.
What that means is that the Progressives, through the Democrat party, are pushing pagan rituals on a nation that once firmly categorized itself as Judeo-Christian, complete with the values flowing from that belief system. Once upon a time, Progressives pretended to operate without the parameters of these religious traditions (“it’s for the good of women”), but Chelsea stripped that mask off. Core Leftist believers still want to sacrifice infants to the Gods of Plenty.
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