Sunday, August 26, 2018

Power brokers like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube and their ability — and perhaps even desire — to manipulate public opinion and shape the world into their own Silicon Valley image.

Which publications are biased toward the Left? Which ones are biased toward the right? Sharyl Attkisson prepared this graphic image.

In PJ Media Paula Bolyard did Google searches on "Trump." Guess whose results Google featured? Leftist publications!

Left-leaning sites comprised 96 percent of the total results.

Paula writes,
Google is constantly tweaking their algorithm, and a website's traffic prospects can rise or fall depending on the changes. PJ Media's Google search traffic, for example, dropped precipitously after a May 2017 algorithm change. We have yet to recover the lost traffic. Other conservative sites have reported similar drops in traffic.
Read more here.

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