Monday, August 20, 2018

Leftists believe that free speech is a danger to free speech!

Another right-on-target opening monolog by Andrew Klavan today.

The left is very big on projection! For example, they accuse us of racism because they are racists! They accuse us of sexism and feminists treat women like irrational little flowers who fold up at the slightest slight. They accuse Donald Trump of going insane because they are going insane! We are now watching the feminist culture of the last decade collapse. Remember the saying, "If we outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns?" In the feminist culture they outlawed masculinity so only outlaws could be masculine! (Tony Soprano, Breaking Bad). Tony Soprano: "I'm not going to let you tell me what to say, what to think, or what to do!"

The Leftist media owns the echo chamber. They take things out of context and repeat it forever. But, wait a minute: Trump has an echo chamber too!

Why is the Left going insane? Because their culture is falling apart!

In the days ahead we are going to be learning much more about Bruce Ohr, the number four man at the Justice Department. The New York Time is running interference for him. Andrew says if you work for the New York Times you wake up every morning to go to work with liars and clowns!

Michael Knowles is Andrew's guest. Andrew asked Michael to investigate the new movement called Rise to Rowe, also called Rocky Rowe, after the Rocky Road ice cream cone. It is a movement to make sure Rowe v. Wade stays the law of the land. Leftists are worried that a Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh will push to end Rowe v. Wade. An ice cream cone is one of the symbols of childhood. So they are celebrating abortion, the killing of children, by using a symbol of childhood, Rocky Road ice cream! Rise for Rowe is being run by five Democrat hacks, says Michael. Did you know that Rowe herself came over to the other side and is a pro life advocate?

In the final segment of today's podcast, Andrew discusses the man who was biking around the world and blogging about it. In one of his blog posts the man wrote, "You read the papers and you are led to believe that the world is a big, scary place. People, the narrative goes, are bad and not to be trusted. I don't buy it. Evil is a make believe concept. We've invented it to deal with the complexities of fellow humans holding values and perspectives and beliefs different from our own. By and large humans are kind, self-interested sometimes, myopic sometimes, but kind, generous, and wonderful." Shortly after writing this he was killed last week by ISIS!

Andrew's point is that evil exists on a spiritual plain that is more real than this one. We have this culture that is so rich, safe and well-to-do that we have forgotten the spiritual truths of life. Although we have forgotten them, they are always real and always there. Not just evil but good as well!

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