Saturday, August 18, 2018

Jordan Peterson on IQ, predictors of success, and the relationship between intelligence and virtue

If you are anti-social by the age of four, there isn't an intervention that seems to be effective! Male aggression peaks around the age of 15, then it declines precipitously and normalizes again by the age of 27. So, should we throw all the young multiple offenders in prison until they are 27? No, the worst thing you can do with anti-social people is to group them together!

If your job is simple and pretty much the same every day, then IQ predicts how well you will learn the job, but not how well you do it. But if your job is complex, changing every day, then the best predictor of success is general cognitive ability.

Other predictors of life success are trait conscientiousness, freedom from negative emotion, low neuroticism, and openness to experience.

IQ tests are more psychologically rigorous and reliable than any other phenomenon that has been discovered by social sciences.

The military has been studying IQ since 1919. A law was passed which said that if you have an IQ less than 83 you cannot be inducted into the armed services! Ten percent of people have an IQ of 83 or less.

There is no relationship whatsoever between intelligence and virtue!

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