Saturday, August 25, 2018

Impeachment for Dummies

Roger L. Simon writes at PJ Media,
...If you're looking for someone to impeach, how about Dianne Feinstein who, we just learned, had a Chinese spy as her chauffeur for twenty years, even while she was chair of the Senate Intel Committee? At virtually the same time — 2010-ish, when Obama was president — close to the entire U.S. spy network in China, several dozen people, were apprehended by the Chinese on their soil in an unprecedented intelligence disaster. Only a few survived. Connection? Perhaps the New York Times or the Washington Post will investigate (as if).

...So if there's going to be impeachment, I say bring it on. Destroy the country, if you wish. Create a civil war.

But if you do it, remember to buy the book — Impeachment for Dummies. Or is it Dummies for Impeachment? I think it's the latter.
Read more here.

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