Friday, August 31, 2018

I STILL Like Trump!

Guest post by Suzann Darnall

When all is said and done, I still like President Trump. Is he perfect? No. Is he making things better for Americans? Yes. In my book, that is ‘nough said!

More importantly might be the following question: could he make things even better if his own party would support him? Absolutely!!! So, if conservatives wanna be upset about things not going as well as they’d like, don’t blame President Trump! Instead, look at who is refusing to work with him as he strives to Make America Great Again. Much of the blame can be squarely laid on the swamp monsters of the dark lagoon known as Washington, DC.

We really need to make sure we get as many Republicans into office as possible. Then we need to make sure they realize we sent them to do a specific job. That job is to help Make America Great Again. So far as I can see, President Trump seems to be the only one who is actually taking steps in that direction. Therefore, I say we should all follow his plan and help him accomplish his Make America Great Again goals. Hope all y’all agree!!!

Let’s vote in November like there is no tomorrow! ‘Cause if we do not give President Trump the tools he needs to Make America Great Again, we might soon see the sun set on our “shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere.” Donald Trump may well be the closest we ever get to another Ronald Reagan. Let’s not lose him before he achieves the most he can do for America. So, remember, every vote will count as we strive to fight against government corruption and election tampering. We well and truly might be fighting for life as we know it!!!
Suzann blogs at

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