Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Deranged, or obsessed?

In The Daily Caller, Charles Glasser has a hypothesis that
Donald Trump is not history’s most hated man, but instead, the hatred expressed towards him is republished and distributed on a scale never seen before.

...In no way does my hypothesis disregard or minimize the magic power that Donald Trump has to drive normally rational people into foaming-at-the-mouth diatribes, rants and rumormongering. This is where I seem to think that “Trump Obsession Syndrome” is a far more accurate descriptor.

I arrived at this theory by looking at the psychology of leftists who are still in complete and utter state of denial that Trump won the election.

“The Electoral College is unconstitutional and unfair!” they bleated. “She got more votes!”

Then the impossible could only be explained by inventing a dark, shadowy foreign entity with the power to bend reality. Fifty years ago, they would’ve blamed “the Zionist Conspiracy.” Today, of course, it had to be Russia. It just had to be. There’s no other explanation for how “the most qualified candidate ever” was defeated by a “short-fingered vulgarian.”

The Democrats scrambling for self-assuring explanations finally deteriorated into blaming white women for being “controlled” by their husbands or alternatively, just plain racist. (FUN FACT: On Election Day, more than 10,000 women visited the gravesite of Susan B. Anthony and left “I Voted” stickers on her tombstone. But in fighting for women’s voting rights in the late 19th century, Anthony called black men “ignorant” and vehemently opposed the 15th Amendment which gave the vote to black men.)

...Of course, Trump thrives on the attention and I suspect a sadistic joy on his part in knowing that so many of his detractors are presenting symptoms of mental illness. In that light, I have to wonder aloud whether I’m wrong: Perhaps everybody is deranged.
Read more here.

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