Friday, August 03, 2018

Cries of economic disaster will only grow more intense as we approach the mid-terms.

At PJ Media Roger L. Simon writes,
...cries of economic disaster will only grow more intense as we approach the mid-terms. Every little statistical waver will blown way out of a proportion. Schumer and Pelosi will say that bread lines are imminent. Bernie Sanders and his new leftwing friend Ocasio-Cortez will proclaim conditions for the working class are worse than the 1930s when they have never been better. They could even go full Cloward-Piven to gain power.

The good news is -- if they fail at this, they will end up with nothing and be flailing for a long time.

As everyone knows, "It's the economy, stupid." But that doesn't mean you should be stupid about the economy
Read more here.

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