Sunday, August 05, 2018

A very different view of Libya than anything you have heard!

"We were safer walking the streets of Tripoli than we were in Houston."

"Ghadaffi hated radical Islam. He threw them all out of the country!"

"Women were emancipated by Ghadaffi in the 70s. Most of Ghadaffi's guards were women!"

No banks! "We used Western Union as our bank! No "banksters!" Did I hear him refer to zionist banksters? NATO and the UN bombed the civilians. $500 billion in federal reserve money disappeared. Gold disappeared. Obama and HIllary Clinton used the wealth of Libya to blow up the country! The United States shipped in through Chris Stevens 20,000 shoulder-to-air rockets to alQaeda and Muslim Brotherhood. CNN and other Left wing news sites were working for the bankers and intelligence agencies against the Libyan people. 128 mass graves full of black bodies! We took photos and tried to contact so-called black leaders in the US like Farrakhan and Sharpton. None of them wanted to do a thing about it! Before the attacks by NATO and the UN, Libya was a colorblind country. About one-third of the citizens were black. Every family had all shades of color, from black to beige."

"Libyan people did not have weapons. They were not confrontational. They had faith that God would save them. The police were not armed. No traffic lights. You could go out at night. Nobody would bother anybody."

"Thugs controlled Misrata. They got 60% of all Libyan contracts without bid or tender. They were a mafia. That is who Hillary joined hands with to take down Libya!"

"Zionist bankers could not allow any upstart country like Libya to destroy their fiat banking system (by having African bankers)."

"Libyans are all members of tribes that go back 8000 years."

Obama and General Flynn are mentioned, as well as Congressman Pete Sessions.

I have finished viewing 55 minutes of this video. I will post this now and get back with you after I finish the next hour. Fascinating!

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