Wednesday, July 18, 2018

You cannot negotiate with a scorpion; Making us more free; Moral philosophy

Andrew begins the discussions by answering a question of why he is not as hard on Trump as Ben Shapiro is. Andrew says it is because Ben has a political focus and Andrew has a cultural focus. To Andrew, as long as Trump is doing things that make us more free, that is Andrew's main focus. Cutting back the administrative state, cutting taxes, all the policy changes Trump has been implementing, then the fact that he makes a mistake here and there doesn't really bother Andrew. Ben and Andrew almost always see the same facts, then have different opinions about it. Ben is concerned about the conservative movement and the fact that it has hooked its wagon to Trump's star to the degree that it has. Andrew never expected much of any conservative movement.

Trump did make a Trumpology regarding Russian hacking.

Trump may be making the same mistake with Putin that Obama and George W. Bush made: You cannot negotiate with a scorpion.

Kavanaugh is a great pick!

Andrew opens the mailbag from viewers. One asks about passivism. Andrew said passivism is not a moral philosophy. If you are alive, it is because somebody is willing to fight for you. Jesus supported forgiveness and patience. Those are moral qualities we all need to have. There is no evidence he supported passivism.

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