Monday, July 09, 2018

Trump to release classified JFK assassination documents tomorrow

Dick Morris says that tomorrow President Trump is going to release all the classified information on the JFK assassination. JFK's Vice President, LBJ, was the target of two Senate investigations prior to the assassination. One was about bribery, with LBJ's buddy Bobby Baker handing out the bribes to senators. The second: Johnson had a monopoly on the radio and t.v. market in the Austin, Texas area and he worked with the FCC to protect that monopoly. Those two investigations were coming to fruition right at the time JFK went to Dallas. JFK's assistant, Evelyn Lincoln, told LBJ's biographer, Robert Caro, that JFK had planned to drop Johnson from the ticket. Was Johnson involved in the assassination? Morris says there is some evidence that he was!

Johnson had close contacts with the mob in New Orleans and Dallas and with the police departments in those areas. Jack Ruby, who killed Oswald, was also heavily involved with the mob.

The Deep State did not like JFK. The Warren Commission was heavily influenced by the Deep State.

Morris video here.

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