The Left gins up hysteria so they can override the Constitution and free speech. The true fight is the fight to stay free. Freedom doesn't just drop out of the sky. It was built by minds and men who died and lived and fought to build it. Andrew talks about leftists (like Peter Strzok today) who speak forcefully and people applaud no matter how stupid it is.
Shut people up, emotionalism, conspiracy, panic; anything they can do to distract people from the fact that we are in a conflict, a battle. But the conflict is not what they say it is. It is a conflict between what the Left wants and a system of government that has lasted for over 200 years that has kept us free.
Andrew has on as a guest Matt Walsh, who happens to be a devout Catholic. Andrew is "Catholic Light," an Episcopalian. Lately, though, Andrew has been upset with the Leftward direction he sees the Epicopalian Church heading. Many people wrote him telling him he should become a Catholic or a Mormon. He poses this question to Matt: "Ultimately my conscience has to rule over the authority of the Church. Why is that wrong?" Here is the last part of Matt's answer: "Faith is about walking forward to the Light even when you don't understand everything around you." He also talked about humbling oneself and being aware of one's own shortcomings.
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