Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Character Assassination of Jim Jordan

At the American Spectator, Brandon Weichart writes about
The Character Assassination of Jim Jordan

During a recent public contretemps between himself and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Jordan argued that Rosenstein was a liar who had been misusing his power to redact critical portions of evidence related to the Hillary Clinton investigation. He further humiliated the deputy attorney general by stating that Congress was going to officially denounce Rosenstein as a liar and an obstructionist — all while Rosenstein claimed he was not directly responsible for the redactions (which Jordan, rightly, reminded Rosenstein that he was the boss, and the buck ultimately stopped with him). At one point, Rosenstein kvetched that Jordan’s line of inquiry “fe[lt] personal.”

Congressman Jordan made the grave mistake of essentially telling the emperor that he had no clothes on. In so doing, he painted a massive target on himself. The rolling coup acted swiftly.

Soon thereafter, the “mainstream” media began circulating an unsubstantiated, 30-year old tabloid story about how Jordan — as an assistant wrestling coach at the Ohio State University — ignored reports that the team’s doctor (who is now conveniently deceased) was molesting student athletes. Jordan denies the claims that he ever knew of any such wrongdoing. But that doesn’t matter.

The sheer fact that a leading opponent to the coup is wasting precious time responding to such baseless allegations, breathing new life into this “news” story, has served the coup plotters well. Thus, this meaningless distraction has not only potentially removed Jordan as a threat, but it has also given the plotters ample time to continue on with their dastardly deeds in greater secrecy. What’s more, the powerful handful of plotters are also sending a grave warning to others in Congress who believe as Jordan does: if you persist with your investigation, we will destroy you too.

Will Congressional Republicans buckle, or will they stand firm? For now, the Deep State is still winning. Trump, Jordan, and the few others resisting this shadowy tyranny need reinforcements. That can only come with an overwhelming Republican victory in the midterms this November.

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