Tuesday, July 17, 2018

"Nothing to see here, move along!"

Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch wants Obama deposed by Congress. "It is time for him to come out of hiding."

Is there anyone anywhere on t.v. like Lou Dobbs? "The fact this country survived Clinton, Bush, and Obama is amazing to me!" Lou is certainly one of Trump's strongest supporters. He reminds us that Mueller's witch hunt is shackling the president in so many ways. Lou puts a lot of important information in context. Why weren' the servers seized? The Clinton team destroyed 30,000 emails! No one mentions that the Republican National Committee was also a target of Russian cyber attacks! The Russian meddling had no impact on the election. General Keane says Trump needs to embrace that fact and move on!

Keane: The only thing Putin respects is strength and resolve. Keane hopes that Putin saw that in Trump during their four-hour meeting.

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